Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm thinking up stupid topics to discuss..........I will post new stuff shortly.
Please bear with me and I'm trying to save up money penny by penny to buy a puppy ;) that's why I have ads on here hahahaa my only source of income!

So in the meantime, let's ask you a question that I've been pondering forever.......Can a leech leech another leech???
.....I mean won't it be easier for a leech to leech its fellow neighbors rather than go out to forage for another animal's blood? It could be painless for your leech friends too, all you gotta do is lock lips.

its like....hey baby wanna make out wit me? *leeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!*


  1. OH YEAH BABY! MY FIRST BLOG EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.........i'm so friggin behind in technology

  2. Congrats. You're on your way to fame haha. Good first post, pretty funny about the leeches.
