Friday, March 27, 2009

Dancing with the Poles

You know, I havn't taken classes to learn something new in a long while now. The last thing I took classes for was authentic French taught by real Frenchmen outside. But that was back in the good ol' noob years in highschool. I used to HATE, yes in fact loathe taking lessons of any kind. Being an asian kiddo, your mumsie or daddykins signed you up for everything that was available in the city rec guide. Sure I know it was for my own benefit, but really, like 6 classes in a week is frickin pushing it a little. To a degree, my childhood was certainly a little deprived. No I didn't get to walk home and play some ball or just hang out afterschool.....I had to be transported on a 45 min ride down to Cambie for a 3.5 hr french lecture!!!!! I still remember at one point in life, I swam every single day of the week just to get my lousy level 12 swimming badge! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

But what I really want to say is after a long hiatus on learning, there dawns the idea that it could be fun to do it all over again.......just not in the same quantity. There's certainly a few things on my list:

1. Poledancing
2. Baton twirling
3. Whistling

I know the third one doesn't require a class lol but I thought I'd just throw it out there with the gang. Poledancing....yes.......what a sinfully delightful activity. Before you frown upon my idea, let's just from this point on think of it as a healthy excercise involving a fully dressed person and a pole (hence my cute picture of a poledancing blonde). And please exclude the flashy lights, booming music, sultry pole-banging moves and of course smelly drunks with dollar bills ready in their hands. In fact, it is a very fun excercise! It has already gone mainstream. I wouldn't doubt that Lululemon will sell its own line of poles soon. My experience with it is all positive......well kinda. It was a dare from gfs on several occasions. Poledancing on a street sign in a secluded neighborhood as well as going across a busy street to the bus stop and poledance in front of passing cars. But really.....the only gross thing about it was the eerie long patch of grass surrounding the base of the pole in which many dogs have paid their tribute. But doggy pee or no doggy pee, poledancing is a fun skill to learn. One trip to Ikea for my adjustable pole and I'm down for some taboo business......................................................hahaaa that sounded pun intended.


  1. I will teach you how to whistle, you will learn baton twirling through a book, and you can go to classes to learn poledancing!!! The healthy, exotic, dollar billed sport of poledancing hahah. You were on the right track about IKEA, you can purchase this pole ( and have it right in your room without the doggie tributes. And best of all, I think you will enjoy it the most.

  2. you kno that pole doesnt look very sturdy.....and i think its meant for dead weights like a shelf as opposed to a swinging girl lol
