Friday, March 20, 2009

Pulp: The love and hate relationship

I love pulp. If you are an avid drinker of Tropicana, you will know there are 3 types of OJ. Original, Homestyle, Grovestand. (I think I should put up a poll on which is favored most by OJ lovers.) I find that there is no continuum no spectrum, only extremes.

You either love original and hate grovestand, or love grovestand hate original. Nobody chooses homestyle.

As Jessica (a hater of pulp) states: "No pulp is good pulp." or "Things should be either liquid or solid."

But being the pulp fan, I must advocate for pulp! Why don't you like suspensions? Don't you like the suprise of little orange tidbits when sucking up juice? Plus, it's a healthier choice. Fibre! You won't be able to friggin take an enjoyable dump on the crapper if you don't have your fibres.

Jessica says it's ok for soup to be a suspension. But not OJ. This is contradictory logic! And it's very satisfying to drink pulpy orange juice because it simply tastes a lot more natural. Pure unadulterated orange juice.......that's grovestand.


  1. Wrong, I chose Homestyle. Too much of anything isn't good for ya.

  2. you just did that to spite me. you know you love LOTSA pulp

  3. about red cliff, its hard to end that movie since the story kinda goes on, who is this btw??

  4. hahah maybe... but i gotta admit pulp tastes better than no pulp.
