Sunday, May 3, 2009

Knowing God, Knowing Love

Often times God is putting me through difficult tasks that I really don't believe I have what it takes to do. They, to me, seem more like ordeals than what I want to believe as a heavenly Father gently asking me to do Him a favor. I've realized a few months prior that my current relationship with a sweet dimpled boy is an assignment in itself the Lord has given me. He is a non-believer and some may find that's just unfortunate like what some churches preach. Many Christians believe that a relationship is only viable, truly loving and godly if both partners share the faith. Yes, I completely agree as scripture says one cannot know love if he does not know God. "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" 1 John 4:16
But I don't believe Christians should only be restricted to dating other Christians. To me, my relationship with this person is so special and won't it be wonderful if I could share the gospel with him today and hopefully (fingers crossed) the days to come? Evangelism is a big task to Christians and what better way than to bring a loved one to Christ? In my opinion, it'd really strengthen the bonds between two people if they experience the love of God together. I know it's hard, I can already feel so much difficulty. Just the mere nature of the task as well as the temptations of Satan telling me to give up. The devil has been hard at work for sure, inducing doubts in me. One thing I believe though is that the hardening of my boyfriend's heart against receiving the gospel is not the doing of the devil but perchance the doing of God. I feel like He is pushing my limits, and maybe in the process reveal abilites that I didn't realize I had in myself. By now you might be questioning why I'm doing all this in the first place, namely, converting someone. First, I'd like to see this not as conversion, but sharing the good news so that he may also receive God's most precious gift: our salvation. Conversion has the connotation that you bring someone to know Christ and that's it, the work stops there, you don't follow up on his faith, he is once again left to the clutches of this sinful world. But what I aim to do is found a lifelong and everlasting belief in his heart so that he may have eternal life and not perish.

So what it boils down to is I'm going to persevere. There's nothing as disappointing as not carrying out God's will in me when I know full well I have the capacity to do so. I pray the good Lord will give me strength and wisdom to fulfill my assignment, so that I can show the love and mercy to the special person in my life as the Father has demonstrated so to all His precious children; and ultimately bring my sweetheart to experience and to come to know the wonders and blessings our Lord Almighty has to offer to those who believe in Him.


  1. Wow, well said!
    I didn't know he had dimples...
    And I'll be praying for you guys.

  2. yeah he does, really deep ones. but thanks!~

  3. It's good for you to carry out God's will, but it may be hard for him to have faith in Him. When Christians are dealing with a crisis, they look to the Lord for help. Others have different methods which may work for them and thus would not feel inclined to change.
    P.S. My Adsense is kaput.
