Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ugliest Gundams Ever

Have you seen Gundam 00? I present to you the ugliest gundams ever designed. One is hopelessly obese, the other is transgendered (literally). They are technically the same gundam but just in two different forms. So basically, it's a big gundam with pugfugly surprises within.

#1. Meet Gundam Virtue (aka. Capt. Porky)

He's big, bulgy, and overweight. The name "Virtue" doesn't suit him. Gundams are usually named after some sort of character quality, so I think he should be called "Gundam Self-Indulgence" instead. He reminds me of Barbatos from FFX.
Likes: Powerhouse gundam, lots of firepower. His pudgy face is kinda cute. <3
Dislikes: Are those externally built shoulder pads really necessary?

<--Barbatos from FFX

#2. Meet Gundam Nadleeh

First let's define the word "Nadleeh." It means "Two-Spirit Native Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles." So I was pretty close about this gundam being a transvestite.
What is with the hair!?!?!?! Technically they are 'wires' but I don't give a shit, to me it's hair on a frickin robot!!!!! arghhhhh what were they thinking? Looks like a woman! Reminds me of Arcee from 1986 Transformers movie.

Likes: None! I hope boys don't get attracted to this homo android.

Dislikes: The hair!!! The frickin hair! What does she use? L'oreal for redheads!?

#3. Meet Tiera Erde

"He" pilots the above models. An ultra ultra femininistic character. The moment he was conceived by artists, he was bound towards the criticism upon his sexuality, and into the arms of fangirls and their yaoi-ism. I guess it explains the piloting of his twisted gundams. In the first season of Gundam 00, he even crossdressed as a woman for a mission. Where did he get his female voice from?

Likes: ewwwwww...don't even mention it

Dislikes: All that surrounds this ghey specimen. Especially his fashion statement. He's dressed like an asian mom. And his piloting suit is purple!

<----ughhhhh crossdresser


  1. Whaaat? Capt. Porky doesn't look like Barbatos. But you're right about Tiera Erde, he is carrying a purse.

  2. LOL
    Right. Virtue is the ugliest the more when turns to Nadleeh.
    As for the cross-dressing thing: like gundam, like pilot. LOL
