Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Degradation of the Gen-Z

I guess kids began to lose their creativeness when they hit Generation Y, but that's majorly the fault of corporate workings. As kids we heavily sought out toys to satisfy our hunger for the concept of fun. What happened to the good ol' days when kids needed nothing but...really their own bodies and maybe a couple of pebbles. They could play a whole day just like that, but not so much the Gen-Y kids, and certainly not the Gen-Z brats.

So ok, our generation wasn't too bad if you compare us to the 3 to 13 year-olds today. We could have lots of fun with few provisions back in the day. Give us a ball, we'll play four squares, give us some chalk and a rock we'd play hopscotch. But the children growing up in our ever so materialistic world aujourd'hui are dependent on tangible goods. It supports the economy but at the expense of their soul. These so-called "Digital Natives" are overwhelmed by mass media, crude music and faux glamour brought on by the entertainment behemoths like Disney. The company has lost sight of its grass root intentions, now clouded in a smoke of scandalous engineering of "rock stars" (who really none of them performs rock music). A superficial mess is what they've created, poisoning the minds of tweens and robbing them of creativity, naiveté and most of all the hearts that children should hold.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Girl Tells All

Before I begin to betray my own sex, I must tell you that women are difficult. I admit it. We are difficult creatures, difficult to understand and to satisfy-but that's only because we are so much more advanced. I mean, think about it, we have our urinary and reproductive system kept separate. You, you guys have them fused. So perchance something malfunctions it's like killing two birds with one stone! I don't believe in evolution, so the only way I can tell you why we're so superior is because God willed it. Yeah, He totally knew the men need to be herded around and be taken care of. You know you can't live without us.

Do What We Mean NOT What We Say

Ahhhh...yes, the signature line of Ms. Crabapple. But it's every bit true! Women never want to tell you what they're truly thinking. When's the last time you asked for her preference and she said "it doesn't matter"? In fact, even before you asked her for her input, she already had an idea of what she wanted. But we like acting democratic or some women just prefer men to take up the job of making choices. So we would say "whatever you like dear." You may see your hunny react negatively to your decision usually through body language and that's when you know you didn't make the choice she hoped for. But have no fear puny males, putting in more time and effort to understand her likes and dislikes will put you in a better spot to make more favorable decisions.

When she says "I'm fine" you should be 99.99% sure that something ISN'T fine. Asking what's wrong doesn't seem to do the trick eh? (But don't get me wrong, that "what's wrong" is not in vain as I will explain later) Prying and nagging on will definitely not put you in good terms with your darling. What you should do is: Read her body language. Acknowledge that something is wrong (NEVER pretend nothing is wrong) so say something like "I know that you're not happy, but we're gonna fix that." Then make her happy by doing whatever you think you know that works and she will automatically open up and tell you what's wrong. Simple eh? I really don't know why the majority of men can't think of this!!

Every Little Thing Counts

I said above that your "what's wrong" plays a crucial role as is the case with many things you say and do that you may find pointless. Women are very keen on details. We notice the smallest things about you, the hints you drop that are oblivous to you. There's a lot to talk about but I want to stress the important. Picture this: You know she's angry/mad/sad. What do you do boys? Ask what's wrong. Good good! But she'll most likely say "nothing" and give you the silent treatment. So you're there wondering why in the world do you need to ask what's wrong if it doesn't better the situation? Well believe me...if you hadn't said that, the sitch would be MUCH MORE catastrophic. What your simple line of concern tells us is exactly that: concern. It shows us that you care and that's very essential to us sensitive females, knowing that we are cared for. So even if we don't react to you, don't worry we got the message, we're just pretending to ignore it in order to keep our ego and prestige.

Take Initiative, It's Sexy

If it's really not important, don't ask us. If it is an important matter, talk to us and we'll give you insight to what your plan of action should be. If it's something regarding dates and dinners, guys this is what you really should do. First, you need listening skills. So if you are a fine dude you'd know which places we want to head out to and what activities we want to do from just listening to us rant on a daily basis. You should also know that we LOVE surprises, so please don't kill the joy of a relationship by asking us where to go, what to eat every time. Sometimes it's ok, but mostly YOU do the planning. Take initiative! Confidence and good organization is attractive. Passiveness is not. So plan a day we would enjoy, but let me heed you that some women like having their own ideas too so be wise as to leave a leeway in your schedule to incorporate something that she may want to do in particular. With that said and done, we will reciprocate the love by also planning something in your favor. <3

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ethnic Misrepresentation in Anime

Following up on my last post, I'm gonna talk about anime again but this time about the faulty representation of race in character designs.

Mr. Popo from Dragonball was a pioneer of the Japanese idea of a black man. Actual jet black skin, thick lips and googly eyes. How cute, I like the extra touch of lighter skin on the palm of his hand.

I just added Jinx from Pokemon in to reinforce the misconcept and of course to show a comical relation between it and Mr. Popo.

Takenori Akagi from everyone's favorite basketball manga, Slam Dunk. You see the immense progress with character design that's true to the character's intended ethnicity.

I really don't know this guy's name, but he's a Union flag fighter in Gundam 00. This recent anime attempts to incorporate a diverse number of races in order to propel the theme of a global conflict. It has a couple of booboos which I will address later but this guy here is done pretty well. At least he doesn't look Japanesque like the rest of the characters do, despite the fact that most of the gundam 00 characters aren't of Japanese origins.

Soran Ebrahim, better known by his alias Setsuna F. Seiei is supposedly a Kurdish boy from the fictional Republic of Krugis.
I somewhat consider this a big leap from previous animes. At least his nationality is a more specific and obscure one, rather than just being black or white or asian. Although, I still consider his features very mainstream Japanese looking. I wonder why animators never consider face shapes, brow bones, eye or nose sizes when determining a character's race. They all seem to have pointy chins and noses and gigantic eyes. Is that the Japanese ideal because they themselves have slitty eyes and flat noses?

Lastly, Louise Helevy also from Gundam 00. Her projected ethnicity is Spanish.......but wait a second, purebred Spaniards have black to auburn hair and dark brown eyes. I guess she could very well be a hybrid, but blonde haircolor is recessive and if they were to make her a racial mix then they really didn't have to be misleading to say she's Spanish.

So in conclusion, I'd say there was improvement over the years but they still gotta keep working at it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ugliest Gundams Ever

Have you seen Gundam 00? I present to you the ugliest gundams ever designed. One is hopelessly obese, the other is transgendered (literally). They are technically the same gundam but just in two different forms. So basically, it's a big gundam with pugfugly surprises within.

#1. Meet Gundam Virtue (aka. Capt. Porky)

He's big, bulgy, and overweight. The name "Virtue" doesn't suit him. Gundams are usually named after some sort of character quality, so I think he should be called "Gundam Self-Indulgence" instead. He reminds me of Barbatos from FFX.
Likes: Powerhouse gundam, lots of firepower. His pudgy face is kinda cute. <3
Dislikes: Are those externally built shoulder pads really necessary?

<--Barbatos from FFX

#2. Meet Gundam Nadleeh

First let's define the word "Nadleeh." It means "Two-Spirit Native Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles." So I was pretty close about this gundam being a transvestite.
What is with the hair!?!?!?! Technically they are 'wires' but I don't give a shit, to me it's hair on a frickin robot!!!!! arghhhhh what were they thinking? Looks like a woman! Reminds me of Arcee from 1986 Transformers movie.

Likes: None! I hope boys don't get attracted to this homo android.

Dislikes: The hair!!! The frickin hair! What does she use? L'oreal for redheads!?

#3. Meet Tiera Erde

"He" pilots the above models. An ultra ultra femininistic character. The moment he was conceived by artists, he was bound towards the criticism upon his sexuality, and into the arms of fangirls and their yaoi-ism. I guess it explains the piloting of his twisted gundams. In the first season of Gundam 00, he even crossdressed as a woman for a mission. Where did he get his female voice from?

Likes: ewwwwww...don't even mention it

Dislikes: All that surrounds this ghey specimen. Especially his fashion statement. He's dressed like an asian mom. And his piloting suit is purple!

<----ughhhhh crossdresser

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Super Ultra BlahBlahBlah

First things first, omgomgomg! Tudors season 3 is back on the air on cbc this coming Sunday April 5th!!

Lately I've been tired of a lot of arrangements like the color theme on my laptop. It's been hot pink ever since I bought it last July! And so I realized it really didn't match my black n white Coldplay wallpaper, so now everything is black and grey, my winamp and all window frames. hahahahaha....I did this while listening to Simon and Garfunkel. But I decided to retain my lovely (and I should add slutty) Tinker Bell window clings on the front of my laptop. I hate Tinkerbell as a character, I've wanted her dead in Peter Pan since 5....so why do I have stickers of her? I dunno....Disney is doing a damn well job at marketing I guess.

Grrrr what does a girl want? A cool ringtone on her cellphone!! So my old phone the samsung A720 (u kno, that square pink flip phone a lotta gals had) was on pay n talk with telus. The plan was horrible! Everything costed money, even receiving texts! Having to pay for receiving calls is ridiculous but I can understand, cuz u can just not pick up......but receiving texts?!!?!? Come on mannnnnn.......I can't avoid that, and I thought if I don't open it, Telus won't charge me. WRONGO. They still charge you!! What the frickin horse shit!? I can potentially be spammed and it would drain all mah moneyz!
Anyway......the phone I have now looked (LOOKED) promising.......I guess I didn't research enough cuz I was in a hurry to ditch Telus. I asked around and on yahoo answers if samsung cleo from Bell can have mp3s as ringtones and I got positive answers. My friend has a Blackberry from Bell and it could so I assumed cleo would as well......WRONG! ughghghghhgg now I'm on a 2 year contract. Prices are pretty good, $27 a month with everything, 200 min free weekends but NO FRICKIN RINGTONES! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyy why cant i use my mp3s as ringtones! BULLSHIT!!!
Sooooo......I found a site with free conversion of your mp3s into ringtones, and it will send it to your cell, but I dont frickin have websurfing so I can't dl the tone!!! Doing that without their Bell plan would be suicide cuz it's 5 cents for each kb transferred....the song is like 4 mb!! HUH!?!? That doesn't make sense :-(
I only want 30 secs of Martell by the Cribs as my ringtone while I'm still young :'(